Select language

Projects at home

There are 2 sections here:  writing projects and mini-projects (further down the page). We hope you enjoy tackling these projects! You can send in your projects to the year group email addresses: ; ; ; -

that way the staff can see what great work you have been doing and can respond. You can send in any MS documents or scan/ take photos of your work and attach them to the email. We look forward to seeing your work!

FOR ALL CHILDREN: News reporting. Build a TV station out of a large box and decorate it. Then pick a story from the news, write a news report and become a TV news presenter and tell about it on “Channel 2 Evening Breaking News": then ask someone to record it and send it to the the staff via year group email - we'd love to see them/ share them!

SCIENCE projects  can be found here: BananaDissolving; Fireworks in a glass; Fun with density; Gummy Bearscience task & Volcano

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

1. Practice your typing skills and work through the levels to develop

your familiarity with where the keys are on the keyboard. Make sure your

hands are positioned correctly!

2. Enjoy the marshmallow monster video again and retell the story

from a different character’s point of view. Who will you choose,

the boy or the monster? Why?

3. Research haiku poems (click here) and try to write your own -

maybe one for each season?

4. Write a story that starts: It had been a beautiful day - we had had so much fun. But, then something strange happened... 

1. Write a letter to an elderly neighbour, asking how they are and helping to cheer them up!

2. Pick a character from a book and write an alternative story for them. 
3. Pick a character from a book and write a diary entry for that character. 
4. Write an alternative ending from a book you really enjoy!
5. Research an animal and write a report on them
6. Write a story for the title 'What if my dog could talk?'

1. Find out about a member of your family's life -

and then write a biography (a really good chance to use video conference, like Facetime, to 'interview' a family member not in your house!)

 2. Read a book you haven't read before and then write a review click here for hints about the best way to write a review



 1. Write about a time you stood up for something you believed in. What did you do, why and what was the outcome. Did you learn anything from the experience?

2. Read a book you haven't read before and then write a review click here for hints about the best way to write a review

3. Imagine being stranded on an island for 1 year - what would be the 5 things you had to have with you? Write a 'persuasive' piece convincing others that your choices are sensible and why they would be important!

Mini projects you can complete at home when you're not in school! 

Keep looking down the page...

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

1. Design and build your own Stone Age to Iron Age houses. You could use things you find on your walks or in the garden. 

2. Create a Venn diagram of all the push and pulls you come across in your house! Remember the middle of your Venn diagram, where the circles overlap, contain both things that you can push and pull! 

3. If you could have any fictional character as your best friend, who would you choose and why? What would you do together?
4. If you had one superpower, what would it be? Explain why you have chosen it, what you would do with it and how it would change your life. 
5. Imagine a future where we each have a personalised robot servant. What would yours be like? Can you draw it? What would it do? What would it look like? What would it talk like? What features would it have?
6. A new type of car has been invented called The Spider Car. Write all about the things it can do! 


























1)Create a mini project about solids, liquids and gases.  What can you remember?  Can you make a model of the water cycle?
2) Use the project on Myon to research North America - find a famous city, river or landscape - make a fact file about it or write a diary entry as if you have visited it.
3) Can you teach someone else about compass points and 4 figure grid references? Make a poster to explain all about them.
4) What can you find out primary, secondary and tertiary colours?  Draw a picture using just primary or secondary colours.
5) Research the North American poet - Shel Silverstein.  Find a poem you really like, explain why you like it and bring it into school with you after half term.
6. Choose something healthy to cook and make - send in some photos or video.

1) Find out about Birmingham - its history and its culture. What facts can you find out that amaze you? Create a presentation. 

2. Explore our planet and beyond in an exciting Science project on 'Space and our Solar system!'  

Make a poster, a collage, an information booklet or even create your own Science experiment. Get creative and use your imagination. Use the project set on “Myon” to help. 

 3. Research landmarks and natural features of both Toronto and Birmingham. What similarities are there? What differences can you find? 

4. Research a famous SCIENTIST: write a biography 

5. We have been reading “The Boy at the Back of the class” - a book to help us learn about refugees - find out about modern day refugees.  

6. Frida Kahlo - we started studying her paintings - research her art and the reasons for each piece - then replicate your own version of your favourite Frida Kahlo painting. 














1. Harry Potter - Reading Vocabulary Challenge for Upper KS2: click here

2. Upper KS2 Geography Research Project on Climate Change: click here

3. Science: Design your own classification key: this could be based on members of your family, plants or animals. Remember to only use ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions -
4. DT:  An architectural masterpiece: design a new building/structure to
inspire the residents of your local town or city. Research, plan, design and then make a model of it using materials from around the home.
Create a criteria for success and then evaluate your model against this.

5. Cooking: Look at the food that you have in your house. See if you
can design and make a meal to feed your family members from the ingredients already at home. Will it include the main food groups? Create an ingredients list and set of instructions for your meal.
6. Geography: Endangered Species: Choose an animal from The Antarctic/The
Arctic and describe how it has evolved to suit its habitat. 



Select language

Projects at home

There are 2 sections here:  writing projects and mini-projects (further down the page). We hope you enjoy tackling these projects! You can send in your projects to the year group email addresses: ; ; ; -

that way the staff can see what great work you have been doing and can respond. You can send in any MS documents or scan/ take photos of your work and attach them to the email. We look forward to seeing your work!

FOR ALL CHILDREN: News reporting. Build a TV station out of a large box and decorate it. Then pick a story from the news, write a news report and become a TV news presenter and tell about it on “Channel 2 Evening Breaking News": then ask someone to record it and send it to the the staff via year group email - we'd love to see them/ share them!

SCIENCE projects  can be found here: BananaDissolving; Fireworks in a glass; Fun with density; Gummy Bearscience task & Volcano

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

1. Practice your typing skills and work through the levels to develop

your familiarity with where the keys are on the keyboard. Make sure your

hands are positioned correctly!

2. Enjoy the marshmallow monster video again and retell the story

from a different character’s point of view. Who will you choose,

the boy or the monster? Why?

3. Research haiku poems (click here) and try to write your own -

maybe one for each season?

4. Write a story that starts: It had been a beautiful day - we had had so much fun. But, then something strange happened... 

1. Write a letter to an elderly neighbour, asking how they are and helping to cheer them up!

2. Pick a character from a book and write an alternative story for them. 
3. Pick a character from a book and write a diary entry for that character. 
4. Write an alternative ending from a book you really enjoy!
5. Research an animal and write a report on them
6. Write a story for the title 'What if my dog could talk?'

1. Find out about a member of your family's life -

and then write a biography (a really good chance to use video conference, like Facetime, to 'interview' a family member not in your house!)

 2. Read a book you haven't read before and then write a review click here for hints about the best way to write a review



 1. Write about a time you stood up for something you believed in. What did you do, why and what was the outcome. Did you learn anything from the experience?

2. Read a book you haven't read before and then write a review click here for hints about the best way to write a review

3. Imagine being stranded on an island for 1 year - what would be the 5 things you had to have with you? Write a 'persuasive' piece convincing others that your choices are sensible and why they would be important!

Mini projects you can complete at home when you're not in school! 

Keep looking down the page...

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

1. Design and build your own Stone Age to Iron Age houses. You could use things you find on your walks or in the garden. 

2. Create a Venn diagram of all the push and pulls you come across in your house! Remember the middle of your Venn diagram, where the circles overlap, contain both things that you can push and pull! 

3. If you could have any fictional character as your best friend, who would you choose and why? What would you do together?
4. If you had one superpower, what would it be? Explain why you have chosen it, what you would do with it and how it would change your life. 
5. Imagine a future where we each have a personalised robot servant. What would yours be like? Can you draw it? What would it do? What would it look like? What would it talk like? What features would it have?
6. A new type of car has been invented called The Spider Car. Write all about the things it can do! 


























1)Create a mini project about solids, liquids and gases.  What can you remember?  Can you make a model of the water cycle?
2) Use the project on Myon to research North America - find a famous city, river or landscape - make a fact file about it or write a diary entry as if you have visited it.
3) Can you teach someone else about compass points and 4 figure grid references? Make a poster to explain all about them.
4) What can you find out primary, secondary and tertiary colours?  Draw a picture using just primary or secondary colours.
5) Research the North American poet - Shel Silverstein.  Find a poem you really like, explain why you like it and bring it into school with you after half term.
6. Choose something healthy to cook and make - send in some photos or video.

1) Find out about Birmingham - its history and its culture. What facts can you find out that amaze you? Create a presentation. 

2. Explore our planet and beyond in an exciting Science project on 'Space and our Solar system!'  

Make a poster, a collage, an information booklet or even create your own Science experiment. Get creative and use your imagination. Use the project set on “Myon” to help. 

 3. Research landmarks and natural features of both Toronto and Birmingham. What similarities are there? What differences can you find? 

4. Research a famous SCIENTIST: write a biography 

5. We have been reading “The Boy at the Back of the class” - a book to help us learn about refugees - find out about modern day refugees.  

6. Frida Kahlo - we started studying her paintings - research her art and the reasons for each piece - then replicate your own version of your favourite Frida Kahlo painting. 














1. Harry Potter - Reading Vocabulary Challenge for Upper KS2: click here

2. Upper KS2 Geography Research Project on Climate Change: click here

3. Science: Design your own classification key: this could be based on members of your family, plants or animals. Remember to only use ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions -
4. DT:  An architectural masterpiece: design a new building/structure to
inspire the residents of your local town or city. Research, plan, design and then make a model of it using materials from around the home.
Create a criteria for success and then evaluate your model against this.

5. Cooking: Look at the food that you have in your house. See if you
can design and make a meal to feed your family members from the ingredients already at home. Will it include the main food groups? Create an ingredients list and set of instructions for your meal.
6. Geography: Endangered Species: Choose an animal from The Antarctic/The
Arctic and describe how it has evolved to suit its habitat. 



Select language

Projects at home

There are 2 sections here:  writing projects and mini-projects (further down the page). We hope you enjoy tackling these projects! You can send in your projects to the year group email addresses: ; ; ; -

that way the staff can see what great work you have been doing and can respond. You can send in any MS documents or scan/ take photos of your work and attach them to the email. We look forward to seeing your work!

FOR ALL CHILDREN: News reporting. Build a TV station out of a large box and decorate it. Then pick a story from the news, write a news report and become a TV news presenter and tell about it on “Channel 2 Evening Breaking News": then ask someone to record it and send it to the the staff via year group email - we'd love to see them/ share them!

SCIENCE projects  can be found here: BananaDissolving; Fireworks in a glass; Fun with density; Gummy Bearscience task & Volcano

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

1. Practice your typing skills and work through the levels to develop

your familiarity with where the keys are on the keyboard. Make sure your

hands are positioned correctly!

2. Enjoy the marshmallow monster video again and retell the story

from a different character’s point of view. Who will you choose,

the boy or the monster? Why?

3. Research haiku poems (click here) and try to write your own -

maybe one for each season?

4. Write a story that starts: It had been a beautiful day - we had had so much fun. But, then something strange happened... 

1. Write a letter to an elderly neighbour, asking how they are and helping to cheer them up!

2. Pick a character from a book and write an alternative story for them. 
3. Pick a character from a book and write a diary entry for that character. 
4. Write an alternative ending from a book you really enjoy!
5. Research an animal and write a report on them
6. Write a story for the title 'What if my dog could talk?'

1. Find out about a member of your family's life -

and then write a biography (a really good chance to use video conference, like Facetime, to 'interview' a family member not in your house!)

 2. Read a book you haven't read before and then write a review click here for hints about the best way to write a review



 1. Write about a time you stood up for something you believed in. What did you do, why and what was the outcome. Did you learn anything from the experience?

2. Read a book you haven't read before and then write a review click here for hints about the best way to write a review

3. Imagine being stranded on an island for 1 year - what would be the 5 things you had to have with you? Write a 'persuasive' piece convincing others that your choices are sensible and why they would be important!

Mini projects you can complete at home when you're not in school! 

Keep looking down the page...

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

1. Design and build your own Stone Age to Iron Age houses. You could use things you find on your walks or in the garden. 

2. Create a Venn diagram of all the push and pulls you come across in your house! Remember the middle of your Venn diagram, where the circles overlap, contain both things that you can push and pull! 

3. If you could have any fictional character as your best friend, who would you choose and why? What would you do together?
4. If you had one superpower, what would it be? Explain why you have chosen it, what you would do with it and how it would change your life. 
5. Imagine a future where we each have a personalised robot servant. What would yours be like? Can you draw it? What would it do? What would it look like? What would it talk like? What features would it have?
6. A new type of car has been invented called The Spider Car. Write all about the things it can do! 


























1)Create a mini project about solids, liquids and gases.  What can you remember?  Can you make a model of the water cycle?
2) Use the project on Myon to research North America - find a famous city, river or landscape - make a fact file about it or write a diary entry as if you have visited it.
3) Can you teach someone else about compass points and 4 figure grid references? Make a poster to explain all about them.
4) What can you find out primary, secondary and tertiary colours?  Draw a picture using just primary or secondary colours.
5) Research the North American poet - Shel Silverstein.  Find a poem you really like, explain why you like it and bring it into school with you after half term.
6. Choose something healthy to cook and make - send in some photos or video.

1) Find out about Birmingham - its history and its culture. What facts can you find out that amaze you? Create a presentation. 

2. Explore our planet and beyond in an exciting Science project on 'Space and our Solar system!'  

Make a poster, a collage, an information booklet or even create your own Science experiment. Get creative and use your imagination. Use the project set on “Myon” to help. 

 3. Research landmarks and natural features of both Toronto and Birmingham. What similarities are there? What differences can you find? 

4. Research a famous SCIENTIST: write a biography 

5. We have been reading “The Boy at the Back of the class” - a book to help us learn about refugees - find out about modern day refugees.  

6. Frida Kahlo - we started studying her paintings - research her art and the reasons for each piece - then replicate your own version of your favourite Frida Kahlo painting. 














1. Harry Potter - Reading Vocabulary Challenge for Upper KS2: click here

2. Upper KS2 Geography Research Project on Climate Change: click here

3. Science: Design your own classification key: this could be based on members of your family, plants or animals. Remember to only use ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions -
4. DT:  An architectural masterpiece: design a new building/structure to
inspire the residents of your local town or city. Research, plan, design and then make a model of it using materials from around the home.
Create a criteria for success and then evaluate your model against this.

5. Cooking: Look at the food that you have in your house. See if you
can design and make a meal to feed your family members from the ingredients already at home. Will it include the main food groups? Create an ingredients list and set of instructions for your meal.
6. Geography: Endangered Species: Choose an animal from The Antarctic/The
Arctic and describe how it has evolved to suit its habitat.